How do I access EBSCOhost ebooks?
Many of the ebooks purchased at the Kares Library are accessible from the EBSCO platform. EBSCO is a major ebook and database provider to academic libraries.
To access EBSCO ebooks from off-campus:
1) Log in with your Athens State e-mail and a password of your choice. Please see How do I log in to the library's resources from off campus?
2) To download or "check out' an ebook, you will have to set up an EBSCOhost account. For information about creating an EBSCOhost account, checking out and downloading ebooks to your computer, and downloading ebooks to your mobile device, please see the EBSCO eBooks: For ebook Users Libguide
*Note* Once you set up an EBSCO account, you can use that username and password with all of our EBSCO databases including ebooks.
For information about other Kares Library ebook collections, please see "What are eBooks and how do I access them".